A Selection of Spring Decor Ideas to update your space for Spring all independently designed by me from original illustrations and made in the UK.
Discover the fresh floral art prints in spring colours of the Spring Florals collection (check out the blog for some behind the scenes chat!) ,Style a light, bright bedroom with sun-soaked designs from the Super Love and By the Beach Collections , be inspired by my Summer Living Room Decor ideas or spruce up your home office with some decor ideas for a productive workspace. Give your home the scent of spring with spicy and sweet Soy Wax candles, hand poured in the UK, or bring the outside in with the British Bee Print.
Need some Inspiration?
I rounded up some of your inspiring home decor snaps that feature my prints, for some major spring inspiration for styling my art prints, or maybe you want something new to add to your walls that says something about you - Check out The Language of flowers to discover the hidden meaning behind your favourite florals to give your decor a little extra subtle message. Maybe you just need a good scroll to inspire some new style - I put together my favourite hashtags for home decor inspiration which is always a goldmine. Stuck in a rental that won’t let you put nails in the wall? Fear not - here’s 6 ways to display prints in a rental home that don’t require any holes in the plaster! Want that print framed? Here’s more info on adding frames to your order.